Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Leave a Comment:

The other day a fellow Christian Brother came up to me and publicly denounced the writing of one of my Blog articles. This happened at work in front of my co-workers. He told me aloud that I should not be writing stuff like that. I asked him if he liked any of my articles. He said no. Nearly 4 years worth of work shot down in less than 4 seconds. Now that must be a record for Christian encouragement. Could he have come to me in private and told me of his concerns in an effort of Christian correction?

If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the offense. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back.
Matt 18:15 (NLT)

Well so much for what God has to say about it. It seems we Christians when we get angry we are the last to seek out God's Word. I am guilty of that too. The truth is we do not have it any better than anyone else. After 2,000 years we still have not figured it out have we?

At the end of every one of my articles is a comment link. If you do not like the article take a moment to say so and why. Please, do not be a sissy and not leave your name. Here is an opportunity to stand up and be counted. There is a good chance that I am wrong. My Blog is about my current Christian experience. I am not afraid to write about the good, the bad or the ugly. Like what happen this day.

I believe that censorship is just one more step to Communism. This is the information age. The reality is more dis-information than truth. People do not like the truth. Look in Matthew 23:23-33. This is the only place we find Jesus publicly condemning anyone. Who are they? Ones that should have known better. Ones who should have recognized Jesus immediately. The teachers of the law. Better known as the Pharisees.

Again if you do not like what you see then leave a comment. Start writing your own Blog. Stand up for once and make a difference. Or just sit back and play Monday morning quarterback. There are lots of those. You will not be alone.

Team up, Set-up and get into the fight. <><


Anonymous said...

Great blog! That'll teach 'em!


Anonymous said...

Nice picture! Looks like the typical church member that wants it their way!


Brother Douglas C McKay Jr said...

Thank you all for your email’s, phone calls, text messages of support. You inspire me to continue the fight against these bullies. Peace be with you all.

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