Not the most positive title for this message. As I write this I am under demonic attack. Continuing physical problems, financial stress and I find myself really at a loss. It is at such a time in one’s life that the truth of Christ moves from just belief to actual experience.
Reading the scriptures of the life Paul some might say that he lived his life recklessly. I would say boldly myself. He was constantly under attack. He constantly followed the Lord no matter what the consequences.
In fact, we still feel as if we're under a death sentence. But we suffered so that we would stop trusting ourselves and learn to trust God, who brings the dead back to life. 2 Cor 1:9 (GW)
It is in the previous verse (v:8) we find Paul admitting to being crushed and overwhelmed beyond their ability. Thinking they would never live through it. The question I ask is if I am dead to this world and living for Christ then why allow doubt to attack me? The fact is that it is hard to hurt someone who is already dead. So I ask the question, “If I were to die today I would be with Jesus. If allowed to live I am still with Him and in His service.” Where is the downside in all of this?
For the past three or four weeks I have been involved in a study in what I would call Spiritual Combat. Ephesians 6:10-20 Paul tells us the details of this unseen war. Author Chip Ingram points out that we are fighting from victory and not for victory. It has taken me some time to realize what that all means. It is perhaps for that reason I have come under such demonic attack in the past few weeks. The fact is the war is over. Jesus died on the cross 2,000 years ago for your sins, my sins, and for our sins. Jesus rose from the dead. The devil was defeated. Then how do you explain the ongoing attack of Satan and his demons of hell? At the end of World War II Japan surrendered yet for months our troops continued to fight in the Pacific. Fighting island by island as Japanese troops continued to fight a guerrilla war. For our troops the War was over. Japan had surrendered right? Our troops were fighting from victory not for it because they already had it. Did that make the bullets and the bombs less deadly? No, of course not but you can see the difference in attitude and mission in life. Satan has lost the war and wants to take as many of us as he can down with him. He has nothing to loose and no mercy for you and I.
As I learn more and go deeper into God’s Word the attacks come more often. Learning and applying God’s instructions makes the devil very nervous. The best time to attack a soldier is before they have time to prepare for battle. When they are at peace. Paul warns us of this in verse 18. (Eph 6:18)
It is prayer that puts the whole armor of God to work. You may not know me but as a Christian brother I am asking you for your intercessory prayers for my family and I. Thank you and peace be with you.
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