Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.
1 Peter 5:7 (NLT)
These are not just God’s words but also His command. That is the point of being a Christian. Acknowledging and accepting that Christ is the Lord of your life that you are not in control and God is. Yes, I know it is hard at times. In this world we pride ourselves in being in control of our careers, home, family and our very lives. The truth is that we are not. Why do we fight it so?
The Life Recovery Bible is a wonderful tool to be used in the Recovery Ministry in my opinion. Many of you know that I favor the New Living Translation of the Bible. It is simple to read and understand. Easy to share God’s Word with others too. One thing this tool lacks is printing the words of Christ in red. Besides that it has wonderful features not found in other Bibles. One feature I like best is the Reflections section at the end of each book in the bible. In fact I would recommend reading the Reflection section first before reading the particular book first. The Recovery Profiles demonstrate that key characters within the bible have faced trials; temptations and persecution just like each of us. Through God was their only way to get through it.
If you know someone fighting with addiction being Christian or not this Bible would make a wonderful gift. Follow-up with them and read it with them. Be part of the solution and not just sitting on the sidelines.
I am a member of the Tyndale Blog Network. Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book or ARC.
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